Ceramics & ceramic injection moulding

Why pick ceramics?

It is hard, lightweight and withstands extreme temperatures. It is resistant to wear, chemical influences and biocompatible as well. Besides that, it can conduct electricity or insulate parts, depending on its composition: Ceramic material.

Ceramic materials have become indispensable due to their numerous and versatile characteristics. It is widely known that spark plug bodies and grinders are made of ceramic, but its uses extend far beyond these common applications. Technical ceramics have become virtually ubiquitous and are found almost everywhere, from kettles to aircraft.


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Ceramic injection moulding

Ceramics can match all the injection moulding options available in the plastics industry. Injection moulding is used for the highly automated manufacture of complex geometries in large batches. Emerging from the mould almost ready for use, the parts require next to no reworking, which is a considerable benefit for the economy of series production.

Ceramic components made by injection moulding can be used in all kinds of ways. Sectors such as the automotive industry, mechanical engineering and the textile industry rely on the uniquely varied attributes of ceramics and the advantages of the injection moulding process. Even electronics and sensor technology, jewellery manufacture, medical engineering and the dental industry would also be barely conceivable without injection-moulded ceramics.

Feedstock made of ceramic powder and plasticisable binders are used for the production of these injection-moulded parts. These components are introduced into a tool in conventional injection moulding machines. The component, known as the ‘greenling’, is dimensionally stable when extracted from the mould. After removing the binder, the component – now described as a ‘brownling’ – is placed in a furnace and densely sintered in a process that creates the unique ceramic properties.


Do you want to pursue your idea of a ceramic material? Will you need a special feedstock for your application? Can we act as your material consultant when visiting customers?

We would be happy to accompany and advise you. Our experienced sales team is at your disposal during material selection, feedstock production and in the development of tools and processes.